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Effect of valproic acid on the formation and migration of cranial neural crest cells at the early developmental stages in rat embryos.

Congenital Anomalies 2024 Februrary 25
Cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) are critical for craniofacial development. The administration of valproic acid (VPA) to pregnant females causes craniofacial malformations in offspring. However, the in vivo influence of VPA on mammalian cranial NCCs remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the developmental stage-specific effect of VPA on cranial NCCs through the administration of a single dose of VPA to pregnant rat females immediately prior to the formation of the cranial neural crest (NC). We performed whole-mount immunohistochemistry or in situ hybridization to examine localization changes of gene transcripts associated with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition of the cranial NC (i.e., cranial NCC formation) and cranial NCC migration. The results showed that Hoxa2 mRNA was abnormally detected and Sox9 mRNA expression was decreased in the midbrain-rhombomere (R) 1/2 NC, which forms cranial NCCs that migrate to the frontonasal mass (FNM) and branchial arch (BA) 1, through VPA administration, thus reducing the formation of SNAI2-positive NCCs. Hoxa2-positive NCCs were detected normally in BA2 and abnormally in FNM and BA1, which are normally Hox-free, implying VPA-induced abnormal cranial NCC migration. In vitro verification experiments using the whole embryo culture system revealed that midbrain-R4 NCC migration was abnormal. These results indicate that VPA reduces the formation/delamination of the midbrain-R1/2 NCCs in a developmental stage-specific manner and subsequently causes the abnormal migration of R4 NCCs, which suggests that the abnormal formation and migration of cranial NCCs contribute to the inhibition of axonal elongation in the trigeminal nerve and a reduction in head size.

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