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Validation of the Raycome model M2 ambulatory blood pressure monitor in the general population according to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard (ISO 81060-2:2018).
Blood Pressure Monitoring 2024 Februrary 23
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the Raycome model M2 oscillometric upper-arm blood pressure (BP) monitor developed for ambulatory BP measurement in the general population according to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization (AAMI/ESH/ISO) Universal Standard (ISO 81060-2:2018) at rest and during dynamic exercise.
METHOD: Subjects were recruited to fulfill the age, gender, BP and cuff distribution criteria of the AAMI/ESH/ISO Universal Standard in the general population using the same arm sequential BP measurement method. Three cuffs of the test device were used for arm circumference 18-22 cm (small), 22-32 cm (medium) and 32-42 cm (large).
RESULTS: For the general validation study, 106 subjects were recruited and 85 were analyzed. For validation criterion 1, the mean ± SD of the differences between the test device and reference BP readings was 0.5 ± 6.2/-0.2 ± 5.1 mmHg (systolic/diastolic). For criterion 2, the SD of the mean BP differences between the test device and reference BP per subject was 5.23/4.50 mmHg (systolic/diastolic). In the ambulatory validation study (N = 35), the mean difference was 0.4 ± 5.9/-1.1 ± 5.8 mmHg. The Raycome model M2 performed well against the standard in both the general and ambulatory validations and the Bland-Altman plots did not show any systematic variation in the error.
CONCLUSION: These data show that the Raycome model M2 monitor meets the requirements of the AAMI/ESH/ISO Universal Standard (ISO 81060-2:2018) and in the ambulatory setting, indicating its suitability for measuring BP in the general population.
METHOD: Subjects were recruited to fulfill the age, gender, BP and cuff distribution criteria of the AAMI/ESH/ISO Universal Standard in the general population using the same arm sequential BP measurement method. Three cuffs of the test device were used for arm circumference 18-22 cm (small), 22-32 cm (medium) and 32-42 cm (large).
RESULTS: For the general validation study, 106 subjects were recruited and 85 were analyzed. For validation criterion 1, the mean ± SD of the differences between the test device and reference BP readings was 0.5 ± 6.2/-0.2 ± 5.1 mmHg (systolic/diastolic). For criterion 2, the SD of the mean BP differences between the test device and reference BP per subject was 5.23/4.50 mmHg (systolic/diastolic). In the ambulatory validation study (N = 35), the mean difference was 0.4 ± 5.9/-1.1 ± 5.8 mmHg. The Raycome model M2 performed well against the standard in both the general and ambulatory validations and the Bland-Altman plots did not show any systematic variation in the error.
CONCLUSION: These data show that the Raycome model M2 monitor meets the requirements of the AAMI/ESH/ISO Universal Standard (ISO 81060-2:2018) and in the ambulatory setting, indicating its suitability for measuring BP in the general population.
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