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The global burden of HIV.

Clinics in Dermatology 2024 Februrary 20
The global burden of HIV remains a formidable challenge, affecting millions. Despite significant progress in understanding, treatment and prevention the virus, HIV/AIDS continues to exert a substantial impact on personal and public health, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where the prevalence is highest. The virus not only poses a direct threat to the well-being of individuals but also contributes to social and economic disparities. Approximately 38 million people worldwide are living with HIV, with millions unaware of their status. Stigma and discrimination still hinder testing and starting and staying on treatment. Access to antiretroviral therapy has improved, yet disparities persist, with marginalized communities often facing barriers to essential healthcare services. Efforts to reduce new HIV infections and transmission include comprehensive prevention strategies, education, increased access to testing and treatment, addressing social determinants, reducing stigma, and ensuring equitable access to healthcare remain crucial to reach the ambitious goal of ending AIDS by 2030.

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