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Sonographic findings of transient marked proximal bowel dilatation in a growth-restricted fetus at 35 weeks' gestation.
Radiology Case Reports 2024 May
Etiologies underlying the relatively infrequent third-trimester sonographic depiction of dilated fetal bowel include (functional or mechanical) bowel obstruction, intestinal atresia, volvulus, annular pancreas, intestinal malrotation, intussusception, gastrointestinal duplications, cystic fibrosis-associated meconium ileus, congenital chloride diarrhea, microvillus inclusion disease, intestinal neuronal dysplasia, and meconium plug syndrome. Fetal bowel obstruction may be associated with aneuploidy (mostly Trisomy 21 in association with esophageal or duodenal atresia), and rarely select microduplications or deletions. We present unusual sonographic findings associated with transient marked proximal fetal bowel dilatation in association with concurrent development of oligohydramnios, in a growth-restricted fetus at 35 weeks' gestation. This case supports that upon observation of dilated loops of fetal bowel, while not negating the potential need for delivery secondary to potential bowel compromise, consideration should be given for observation in anticipation of potential spontaneous resolution of this condition, especially among growth-restricted fetuses with decreased amniotic fluid volume in prematurity.
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