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An All-Arthroscopic Technique of Repairing Foveal Tears of the Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Using a Bone Anchor-Repair Made Simple.

Traumatic foveal tears of the triangular fibrocartilage complex lead to ulnar-sided wrist pain and instability, resulting in painful motion and loss of grip strength with a severe impact on the overall function of the upper limb. Surgical repair is nothing new and has traversed through the realm of open repair to arthroscopic assisted to all arthroscopic repair techniques over the many decades, with arthroscopic repairs showing better visualization, lesser trauma, and equally favorable patient outcomes. Techniques had varied from using trans osseous tunnels to bone anchors, with or without the usage of special jigs. Here, we describe a simple and fast 3 portal arthroscopic technique of repairing the torn foveal insertion of the triangular fibrocartilage complex using a bone anchor inserted under arthroscopic and fluoroscopic guidance into the fovea. Both the dorsal and volar limbs of the triangular fibrocartilage complex are repaired arthroscopically, resulting in a strong anatomic repair resulting in a stable and pain-free wrist.

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