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Multifactorial prevention program for cardiovascular disease in primary care: hypertension status and effect on mortality.

The aim of this study was to investigate if mortality during a 13-year follow-up varied between normotensive subjects, screen-detected hypertensive subjects, and subjects with antihypertensive medication at baseline. A population-based screening and intervention program identified 2659 apparently healthy, middle-aged cardiovascular-risk persons in southwestern Finland. Screen-detected hypertension was verified by home blood pressure measurements. Lifestyle counseling was provided for all participants and preventive medications were started or intensified if needed. All-cause and cardiovascular mortality were obtained from the official statistics. Screen-detected hypertension was diagnosed in 17% of the participants, 51% were normotensive and 32% had antihypertensive medication at baseline. The screen-detected hypertensives had higher mean blood pressure and cholesterol levels than the two other groups. Altogether 289 subjects died during the follow-up, 83 (29%) from cardiovascular disease. Those with screen-detected hypertension had decreased cardiovascular mortality risk compared to the medicated hypertensives [sHR 0.40 (95% CI: 0.19 to 0.88, p = 0.023)], and comparable with that of the normotensives [sHR 0.53 (95% CI: 0.24 to 1.15)]. Newly diagnosed diabetes at baseline was a powerful predictor of cardiovascular mortality [sHR 2.71 (95% CI: 1.57 to 4.69)]. Early detection of hypertension and timely multifactorial intervention seem to be important in preventing hypertension-related mortality.

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