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Aged AβPPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice as a useful animal model for studying the link between immunological senescence and diseases.
Immunology Letters 2024 Februrary 12
The APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mouse is a double transgenic murine model that harbors two transgenes for Alzheimer's Disease (AD)-related mutant proteins. We previously discovered that this double transgenic animal had a premature immunosenescence phenotype. However, it is unclear how this phenotype progresses to a later stage. This study aimed to elucidate the changes in systemic characteristics aside from those associated with AD between elderly APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice and littermate control wild-type mice. Tumors in all organs were considerably more frequent in AD mice aged 24 months than in the control wild-type mice. In addition, the survival rate of aged AD mice was considerably lower than that of wild-type control mice. Further, we discovered that the phenotypic difference was mainly caused by severe immunological aging, as evidenced by a high proportion of exhausted T lymphocytes in AD mice compared to wild-type mice of the same age. Based on our findings, the harm produced by normal aging is not as severe as immunological senescence. Addressing immunological aging, as opposed to anti-aging alone, may be a more crucial target for a long life free of cancer.
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