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Albumin influences leucocyte FcRn expression in the early days of kidney transplantation.

FcRn, a receptor originally known for its involvement in IgG and albumin transcytosis and recycling, is also important in the establishment of the innate and adaptive immune response. Dysregulation of the immune response has been associated with variations in FcRn expression, as observed in cancer. Recently, a link between autophagy and FcRn expression has been demonstrated. Knowing that autophagy is strongly involved in the development of reperfusion injury in kidney transplantation and that albuminemia is transiently decreased in the first two weeks after transplantation, we investigated variations in FcRn expression after kidney transplantation. We monitored FcRn levels by flow cytometry in leukocytes from 25 renal transplant patients and considered parameters such as albumin concentrations, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum creatinine, serum IgG levels and ischaemia/reperfusion time. Two groups of patients could be distinguished according to their increased or non-increased FcRn expression levels between day 2 and day 6 (d2-d6) post-transplantation. Leukocyte FcRn expression at d2-d6 was correlated with albumin concentrations at d0-d2. These results suggest that albumin concentrations at d0-d2 influence FcRn expression at d2-d6, raising new questions about the mechanisms underlying these original observations.

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