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Efficacy and safety of novel left ventricular pacing leads: 1-year analysis of the NAVIGATOR trial.

Open Heart 2024 Februrary 5
OBJECTIVES: Assess safety and performance of novel quadripolar preshaped left ventricular (LV) leads: NAVIGO 4LV 2D ('S shaped') and NAVIGO 4LV ARC ('U shaped').

METHODS: Patients indicated for cardiac resynchronisation therapy were enrolled in a multicentre, prospective, controlled study (NAVIGATOR, NCT03279484). Patients were implanted with either a NAVIGO 4LV 2D or ARC lead, and assessed at 10 weeks, 6, 12 and 24 months post-implant. Co-primary safety and performance endpoints were assessed at 10 weeks. Safety endpoint was the patients' rate free from lead-related complications. Performance endpoint was the rate of patients with successful lead performance, defined as LV pacing threshold ≤2.5 V at 0.5 ms on at least one pacing vector, and the absence of phrenic nerve stimulation at the final programmed configuration. Lead-related complications and electrical parameters were monitored throughout study.

RESULTS: A NAVIGO 4LV lead was successfully implanted in 211 out of 217 patients (97.2%). The safety endpoint was met, with 100% and 96.1% of patients free from complications for NAVIGO 4LV 2D and ARC, respectively. The performance endpoint was met with 98.1% and 98.9% of patients with a successful lead performance for NAVIGO 4LV 2D and ARC, respectively. Over 12 months, the global complication-free rate for both leads was 97.1% (95% CI: 93.71% to 98.70%), with a mean pacing capture threshold of 1.23 V±0.73 V and a mean impedance of 951 Ω±300.1 Ω.

CONCLUSION: A high implantation success rate and low complication rate was reported for the novel NAVIGO 4LV 2D and ARC leads, along with successful performance up to 12 months.

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