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B12 Deficiency is the Commonest Cause of Anaemia During Pregnancy in Northern India: Study from a Tertiary Care Institute.

UNLABELLED: Iron deficiency anemia is considered the leading cause of anemia during pregnancy; however, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on the etiological factors of anemia in pregnant women. The objective of this study was to systematically investigate the causes of anemia in pregnancy. Five hundred women with hemoglobin levels < 11 g/dl between 6 and 40 weeks of pregnancy underwent a complete hemogram, iron studies, serum folate, serum B12, serum copper, and serum zinc level assessments using standard methods. The median age of the patients was 26 years (range 24-29 years). The majority of patients were in the third trimester (449/500, 89.8%). Among the patients, 325 (65%) had vitamin B12 deficiency, with 159 (31.8%) having isolated B12 deficiency and 142 (28.4%) having combined B12 and iron deficiency. Isolated iron deficiency anemia was present in 74 patients (14.8%). Additionally, 28 patients (5.6%) had beta-thalassemia minor, and anemia of chronic disease was found in 17.2% (86) of the patients. Vitamin B12 deficiency was the most common cause of anemia, followed by combined B12 and iron deficiency. Further studies in diverse populations are warranted as they have broader implications for nutrient supplementation during pregnancy.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12288-023-01682-x.

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