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Questionnaire survey on public awareness of cleft lip with/without palate in Mongolia.

Congenital Anomalies 2024 Februrary 3
The frequency of cleft lip with/without palate (CL/P) in the Mongolian population is approximately 1 in 1314 live births. This research aims to disseminate information about this congenital disability to the public to better understand CL/P, and people's fissures, and review administrative measures, as there is a lack of research in this area. A questionnaire survey was conducted using Google Forms, with 1000 Mongolian participants. Most participants (86.7%) said they had knowledge of the word, whereas 86.2% said they had knowledge of the condition. Most participants' answers were question-related disadvantages of CL/P patients, including statements such as "It's uncomfortable in human relationships" and "It makes an uncomfortable impression on the person you meet the first time." The results of this study revealed that most Mongolians were aware of CL/P and are concerned about patients. However, the causes of CL/P in the general population remain unknown, and further research is needed in this area.

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