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Evidence Based Management of Labor.

IMPORTANCE: Induction of labor (IOL) is a common obstetric intervention. Augmentation of labor and active management of the second stage is frequently required in obstetric practice. However, techniques around labor and induction management vary widely. Evidence-based practice regarding induction and labor management can reduce birth complications such as infection and hemorrhage and decrease rates of cesarean delivery.

OBJECTIVE: To review existing evidence on IOL and labor management strategies with respect to preparing for induction, cervical ripening, induction and augmentation, and second stage of labor techniques.

EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: Review of recent original research, review articles, and guidelines on IOL using PubMed (2000-2022).

RESULTS: Preinduction, pelvic floor training and perineal massage reduce postpartum urinary incontinence and perineal trauma, respectively. Timely membrane sweeping (38 weeks) can promote spontaneous labor and prevent postterm inductions. Outpatient Foley bulb placement in low-risk nulliparous patients with planned IOL reduces time to delivery. Inpatient Foley bulb use beyond 6 to 12 hours shows no benefit. When synthetic prostaglandins are indicated, vaginal misoprostol should be preferred. For nulliparous patients and those with obesity, oxytocin should be titrated using a high-dose protocol. Once cervical dilation is complete, pushing should begin immediately. Warm compresses and perineal massage decrease risk of perineal trauma.

CONCLUSION AND RELEVANCE: Several strategies exist to assist in successful IOL and promote vaginal delivery. Evidence-based strategies should be used to improve outcomes and decrease risk of complications and cesarean delivery. Recommendations should be shared across interdisciplinary team members, creating a model that promotes safe patient care.

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