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The holism of evolution as consciousness.

Quantum Entanglement has been hypothesized to mediate non-local consciousness, underlying which, empirically, is the force of gravity. Upon further reflection, the case can be made for 'the breath' as the physiologic trait that binds all of these properties together, offering further opportunity for hypothesis testing experimentation. Humans have inexplicably made extraordinary intellectual and technical advances within a relatively very short period of time, referred to as the 'great leap forward'. It would be of great value if we could identify how and why we have evolved so rapidly. There is a holotropism that begins with the Big Bang that is centered on the homeostatic control of energy, perpetually referencing the First Principles of Physiology. "The Breath" is how and why our physiology has managed to perpetuate our species, and perhaps why the lung has been 'over-engineered' in order to facilitate the role of breathing in consciousness.

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