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Advancements in Therapeutic Development: Kidney Organoids and Organs-on-a-Chip.

Kidney International 2024 January 29
The use of animal models in therapeutic development has long been the standard practice. However, ethical concerns and the inherent species differences have prompted a reevaluation of the experimental approach in human disease studies. The urgent need for alternative model systems that better mimic human pathophysiology has led to the emergence of organoids, innovative in vitro models, to simulate human organs in vitro. These organoids have gained widespread acceptance in disease models, and drug development research. In this mini-review, we explore the recent strides made in kidney organoid differentiation and highlight the synergistic potential of incorporating organ-on-a-chip systems. The emergent use of microfluidic devices reveals the importance of fluid flow in the maturation of kidney organoids and helps decipher pathomechanisms in kidney diseases. Recent research has uncovered their potential applications across a wide spectrum of kidney research areas, including hemodynamic forces at stake in kidney health and disease, immune cell infiltration, or drug delivery and toxicity. This convergence of cutting-edge technologies not only holds promise for expediting therapeutic development but also reflects an acknowledgment of the need to embrace innovative and more human-centric research models.

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