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Association of donor characteristics with coagulation factor levels in fresh frozen plasma.

BACKGROUND: Coagulation factors are essential to maintain normal hemostasis. Plasma for transfusion can be obtained from whole blood donation or plasma apheresis. Plasma obtained from whole blood donation is termed as fresh frozen plasma (FFP). The quality of FFP can be influenced by several factors including donor variables (such as age, gender, diet, genetic profile), environmental factors, collection methods, processing methods, storage temperature, etc. This study was done to assess the association of donor characteristics such as donor age, blood group, and smoking with coagulation factor levels in FFP units.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The screening of donors for collection of whole blood units was done as per the national guidelines. A total of 144 FFP units were assessed for coagulation factors. The FFP units were tested for prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, coagulation factor VIII, and coagulation factor IX (CF IX) on coagulation analyzer.

RESULTS: A total of 144 FFP units were tested for coagulation parameters. The value of PT was highest in units prepared from donors in more than 45 years of age group. The value of CF IX was significantly lower in O blood group as compared to non-O blood group. The value of fibrinogen was significantly higher in smokers as compared to nonsmokers.

CONCLUSION: The findings of the present study further add evidence to the fact that donor factors such as age, blood group, and smoking have an impact on coagulation factor levels in FFP units.

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