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The midpoint transverse process to pleura (MTP) block for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy: A case series.
Among the various regional anesthesia techniques used for postoperative analgesia in the modified radical mastectomy (MRM), thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) is presently considered the technique of choice. Nevertheless, TPVB may lead to complications like inadvertent vascular puncture, hypotension, epidural or intrathecal spread, pleural puncture, or pneumothorax. Recently, a newer technique "midpoint transverse process to pleura" (MTP) block has been described in which the tip of the needle is placed at the midpoint between the transverse process and pleura. In this case series, we included ten patients of American Society of Anesthesiologist status I/II scheduled for MRM. Ultrasound-guided MTP block was performed and the catheter was inserted on the side of the surgery at the level of T4 level. The block was successful in the all patients as their median visual analogue score at rest and movement was 2 and 3, respectively, in first 24 h postoperatively. Only three patients required rescue analgesia in the first 24 h. No procedural-related complications were noticed in any patient. We concluded that MTP block provided effective perioperative analgesia with minimal rescue analgesia requirement and satisfactory safety profile.
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