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A New Arthroscopic Classification of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Disorders.

Introduction  The use of wrist arthroscopy has become a prerequisite for diagnosis and treatment of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) disorders. Since Palmer's landmark paper, many new arthroscopic descriptions of TFCC tears have been published but there is no currently available updated comprehensive arthroscopic classification of TFCC lesions. Purpose  We recently described the arthroscopic anatomy of the TFCC as viewed from a 3-4 portal. Our purpose was to propose a new TFCC disorders classification based on this new arthroscopic TFCC description. Methods  We included all currently described TFCC disorders to the best of our knowledge into our arthroscopic, functional, and vascular anatomical concept. We also included patient's specific ulnar variance and distal radial ulnar joint coronal inclination as baseline treatment-oriented parameters. The fresh or chronic, reparable or nonreparable nature of some types of TFCC tears were considered as separate parameters. Results  The proposed classification includes disc "D" (degenerative or traumatic), reins "R" (traumatic), and wall "W" (traumatic) lesions. Combined lesions of those three parts of the TFCC may be easily identified. This new classification should facilitate future analysis of isolated or combined TFCC disorders whether they are degenerative and/or traumatic. Discussion  The authors present a new three-dimensional-three-part arthroscopic updated description of TFCC disorders with relevance to etiology and treatment principles.

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