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Nasopharyngeal Foreign Body with Unusual Presentation.

INTRODUCTION: An unusual nasopharyngeal foreign body in a very young child with no clinical symptoms is a rare case presentation.

CASE REPORT: A nine-month-old child presented with a suspected history of foreign body ingestion without any clue to the parents about the nature of the foreign body. X-ray of the nasopharynx revealed a sharp unusual metallic "Louis Vuitton" shoe logo that the child had accidentally inserted into the nasopharynx via the oral cavity while playing. Foreign body was removed under general anesthesia without complications.

CONCLUSION: X-ray nasopharynx should be included in the examination of a suspected case of foreign body ingestion, as an unusual shape of foreign body can even produce no clinical symptoms but still pose a potential life threat due to its dislodgement into the airway if missed or delayed.

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