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Diffuse Cerebral Edema With Uncal Herniation Leading to Brain Death in Patient With Fulminant Susac syndrome: Rare Complication of Rare Disease.
Neurohospitalist 2024 January
Susac Syndrome was first described as an inflammatory microangiopathy of the brain and retina. Since then, multiple articles have been published in attempts to improve the understanding of this rare disease. Clinically Susac Syndrome is known to present with triad of encephalopathy, sensorineural hearing loss and branch of retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), along with characteristic "snowball" or "spoke" appearing white matter lesions of the corpus callosum. It has been characterized by vast heterogeneity in terms of its presenting symptoms, severity, and clinical course. Although subset of patients present with severe forms of Susac Syndrome and can develop prominent residual neurologic deficits, it has been reported to be mostly non-life-threatening and only few fatal cases have been described in the literature. Based on the available case reports with fatal outcome, mortality has been related to the systemic complications either during acute disease flare or during chronic-progressive phase. We describe a case of fulminant Susac Syndrome complicated by the sudden and rapid progression of diffuse cerebral edema leading to brain herniation and ultimate brain death, in order to increase awareness of this rare and catastrophic complication.
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