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Higher Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Prospective Association in the U.K. Biobank and Genetic Evidence by Mendelian Randomization Analysis.

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that respiratory diseases are associated with an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, whether there is a correlation between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and RA is not known. Due to the high incidence of CRS, it remains to be clarified whether we should pay additional attention to RA risk in the huge population of CRS.

METHODS: We used a 2-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis to explore the causal effects of CRS on the incidence of RA. The inverse variance weighted (IVW) approach was used as the main analysis in the MR randomization study. Then, we used the data from the U.K. Biobank to examine the association between RA and CRS at the individual level in a prospective cohort. We identified patients with CRS at the time of recruitment and further followed the incidence of RA until 2021. The risk of developing RA in patients with CRS was determined by a multivariate Cox regression model. We used 3 multivariate Cox models to adjust for individual characteristics, lifestyle factors and concomitant diseases, respectively.

RESULTS: The MR analysis by the IVW model suggested that the odds ratio of RA associated with genetically predicted CRS was 2.39 (95% CI [1.08-5.30]; p   =  .032). In the first multivariate model adjusting for individual characteristics, CRS was associated with a 47% increase of risk of developing RA (hazard ratio [HR]  =  1.47; 95% CI [1.12-1.90]). In the second multivariate model adjusting for lifestyle factors, the HR of RA associated with CRS was 1.48 (95% CI [1.15-1.90]). In the third multivariate model, chronic sinusitis was associated with a 32% increase in RA risk (HR  =  1.32; 95% CI [1.03-1.70]).

CONCLUSION: CRS has a genetically causal effect on the incidence of RA, and the risk of RA is greatly higher in CRS at the individual level. This is the first study to reveal an association between CRS and RA. Due to the high incidence of CRS, it is recommended that additional attention should be paid to the increased RA risk in patients with CRS compared to that in common people.

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