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A novel starch-active lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase discovered with bioinformatics screening and its application in textile desizing.
BMC Biotechnology 2024 January 10
BACKGROUND: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) catalyzing the oxidative cleavage of different types of polysaccharides have potential to be used in various industries. However, AA13 family LPMOs which specifically catalyze starch substrates have relatively less members than AA9 and AA10 families to limit their application range. Amylase has been used in enzymatic desizing treatment of cotton fabric for semicentury which urgently need for new assistant enzymes to improve reaction efficiency and reduce cost so as to promote their application in the textile industry.
RESULTS: A total of 380 unannotated new genes which probably encode AA13 family LPMOs were discovered by the Hidden Markov model scanning in this study. Ten of them have been successfully heterologous overexpressed. AlLPMO13 with the highest activity has been purified and determined its optimum pH and temperature as pH 5.0 and 50 °C. It also showed various oxidative activities on different substrates (modified corn starch > amylose > amylopectin > corn starch). The results of enzymatic textile desizing application showed that the best combination of amylase (5 g/L), AlLPMO13 (5 mg/L), and H2 O2 (3 g/L) made the desizing level and the capillary effects increased by 3 grades and more than 20%, respectively, compared with the results treated by only amylase.
CONCLUSION: The Hidden Markov model constructed basing on 34 AA13 family LPMOs was proved to be a valid bioinformatics tool for discovering novel starch-active LPMOs. The novel enzyme AlLPMO13 has strong development potential in the enzymatic textile industry both concerning on economy and on application effect.
RESULTS: A total of 380 unannotated new genes which probably encode AA13 family LPMOs were discovered by the Hidden Markov model scanning in this study. Ten of them have been successfully heterologous overexpressed. AlLPMO13 with the highest activity has been purified and determined its optimum pH and temperature as pH 5.0 and 50 °C. It also showed various oxidative activities on different substrates (modified corn starch > amylose > amylopectin > corn starch). The results of enzymatic textile desizing application showed that the best combination of amylase (5 g/L), AlLPMO13 (5 mg/L), and H2 O2 (3 g/L) made the desizing level and the capillary effects increased by 3 grades and more than 20%, respectively, compared with the results treated by only amylase.
CONCLUSION: The Hidden Markov model constructed basing on 34 AA13 family LPMOs was proved to be a valid bioinformatics tool for discovering novel starch-active LPMOs. The novel enzyme AlLPMO13 has strong development potential in the enzymatic textile industry both concerning on economy and on application effect.
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