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Gastric Lipomas: A Case Series and Review of the Literature.

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this case series was to review a rare subset of tumors known as gastric lipomas, which are typically found incidentally. The motivation for this study arose from the identification of 2 cases within our institution in a short period.

CASE PRESENTATION: The study involved a review of the diagnosis and management of 2 patients presenting with gastric lipomas at our institution after symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding. With the advent of new radiologic investigations such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and advances in endoscopy, there are new approaches to identifying and managing these tumors. On further evaluation of the literature, we found that despite the availability of minimally invasive endoscopic techniques such as mucosal resection and submucosal dissection in the setting of large tumors, most patients tend to have to resort to surgical management.

CONCLUSION: This case series underscores the rarity of gastric lipomas and their often-incidental discovery. Further investigation into endoscopic approaches for managing these tumors is needed, and additionally, there is a need to explore a potential association between gastric lipomas and malignancy, as chronic inflammation of the overlying mucosa may play a significant role.

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