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The association of cumulative vasoactive drugs and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm Infants <29 weeks gestation.
Journal of Neonatal-perinatal Medicine 2024 January 4
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of cardiovascular medications on the neurodevelopment of preterm infants, as measured by calculated cumulative time of vasoactive-inotropic score (VISct).
METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on preterm infants who developed significant hypotension defined as a mean BP more than 2SDs below the mean for GA and received treatment with duration > 6 hours for each hypotensive episode, we calculated the vasoactive inotropic score (VIS) and cumulative exposure to cardiovascular medications over time (VISct). The composite Bayley III was reported from the high-risk follow-up clinic for the surviving infants between 18 to 21 months corrected age.
RESULTS: VISct was significantly higher in infants with abnormal neurodevelopment. Cognitive Bayley was the most affected component with median (IQR) VISct 882.5(249,2047) versus 309(143,471) (p-value 0.012), followed by language function with VISct 786(261,1563.5), versus 343(106.75,473.75) (p-value 0.016) when those with Bayley III <85 were compared with those with normal Bayley IIIs.
CONCLUSION: High VISct scores may have negative effect on cognitive and language neurodevelopmental outcomes.
METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on preterm infants who developed significant hypotension defined as a mean BP more than 2SDs below the mean for GA and received treatment with duration > 6 hours for each hypotensive episode, we calculated the vasoactive inotropic score (VIS) and cumulative exposure to cardiovascular medications over time (VISct). The composite Bayley III was reported from the high-risk follow-up clinic for the surviving infants between 18 to 21 months corrected age.
RESULTS: VISct was significantly higher in infants with abnormal neurodevelopment. Cognitive Bayley was the most affected component with median (IQR) VISct 882.5(249,2047) versus 309(143,471) (p-value 0.012), followed by language function with VISct 786(261,1563.5), versus 343(106.75,473.75) (p-value 0.016) when those with Bayley III <85 were compared with those with normal Bayley IIIs.
CONCLUSION: High VISct scores may have negative effect on cognitive and language neurodevelopmental outcomes.
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