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Elder mistreatment experiences, perceptions, and help-seeking behaviors of Asian American older adults.

This study examined the experiences and the perceptions of elder mistreatment (EM), as well as help-seeking knowledge and behaviors, particularly about Adult Protective Services (APS), among community samples of Asian American older adults, including Koreans, Chinese, and others ( N  = 288). Approximately 27% of the study participants experienced at least one EM incident in the past year. Between 27% and 38% of the participants reported that they were likely to seek help from APS for different types of EM. Significant differences were found across the three Asian groups in their perceptions toward EM and intention to seek help from APS in the event of EM. However, many Asian American older adults in the study did not know about APS prior to participating in the study (75.5%) and other formal sources of help (66.3%). Implications for helping professionals, particularly APS and community-based organizations serving Asian Americans, are discussed.

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