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Palliative Care in Neuro-oncology.

Seminars in Neurology 2024 Februrary
Historically, the practice of neurology as an independent subspecialty from internal medicine began in Europe and the United States in the 1930s. The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) was founded 75 years ago in 1948, solidifying its emergence as a stand-alone discipline of medicine. In 1967, St. Christopher's Hospice, the first free standing hospice home, was opened in London by Dame Cicely Saunders. Dame Saunders is considered a pioneer in the development of the hospice movement, and she embodies the importance of the multi-disciplinary team in the care of the patient, as she began her career as a nurse, then became a social worker and, finally, a physician. A decade later, in 1978, Dr. Balfour Mount, a Canadian urologic cancer surgeon, coined the term "palliative care" ("to improve the quality of life") after having spent time with Dr. Saunders at St. Christopher's some years earlier. The field of palliative care continued to develop as a distinct subspecialty focused on improving quality of life for patients at any age and in any stage of serious illness. In a 1996 position statement, the AAN made clear that the practice of primary palliative care is the responsibility of all neurologists to their patients. Finally, coming full circle, the specialty of neuro-palliative care, a subspecialty not just of neurology but of palliative medicine, became established around 2018. Neuro-palliative care can be seen as a specialty focusing on the holistic approach to symptom management in patients suffering from neurologic disease with the aim of improved symptom control and attention to the psychologic and spiritual aspects of illness.

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