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Journal Article
Systematic Review
Cystic Dilatation of the Ventriculus Terminalis: Examining the Relevance of the Revised Operative Classification Through a Systematic Review of the Literature, 2011-2021.
The literature features limited evidence on the natural history of the cystic dilatation of the ventriculus terminalis (CDVT) and its response to treatment. The goal of this study is to ascertain which impact the revised operative classification of CDVT had on the management of patients diagnosed over the past 10 years.Ten new clinical articles presenting a total of 30 cases of CDVT were identified and included for qualitative analysis. Two take-home messages can be identified: (1) Adequate consideration should be given to designing national pathways for referral to tertiary centers with relevant expertise in the management of lesions of the conus medullaris, and (2) we suggest that type Ia should be, at least initially, treated conservatively, whereas we reckon that the signs and symptoms described in types Ib, II, and III seem to benefit, although in some patients only partially, from surgical decompression in the form of cystic fenestration, cyst-subarachnoid shunting, or both.While the level of evidence gathered in this systematic review remains low because the literature on CDVT consists only of retrospective studies based on single-center series (level of evidence 4 according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM)), the strength of recommendation for adopting the revised operative classification of CDVT is moderate.
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