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Correlation Between Cervical Spine Sagittal Alignment and Clinical Outcome After Standalone Intersomatic Titanium Cage CeSPACE for Cervical Anterior Discectomy and Fusion in Cervical Degenerative Disk Diseases.

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cervical spine sagittal alignment and clinical outcomes after using a standalone intersomatic titanium cage CeSPACE for anterior cervical discectomy and arthrodesis. We present our clinical experience in a group of 180 patients with a mean follow-up for at least 2 years. Patients were evaluated by clinical and radiological assessment preoperatively, immediately after surgery and at regular follow-up. There were 97 male and 83 female patients (average age: 56.6 years) who were preoperatively affected by cervical radiculomyelopathy that was due to spondylosis or cervical disk herniation and who underwent surgical treatment. All patients underwent an anterior discectomy and interbody fusion through the positioning of one or more levels of the CeSPACE device. Compared with the preoperative scores, improvement was seen in postoperative visual analog scale (VAS) scores and Neck Disability Index (NDI) values. The standalone intersomatic titanium cage CeSPACE for anterior cervical discectomy and arthrodesis improved radiculomyelopathy and increased the probability of cervical kyphotic alignment. However, cervical sagittal alignment after surgery was not significantly associated with clinical outcomes in terms of postoperative improvement in VAS scores and NDI values. Similarly, the change in cervical sagittal alignment was not related to visual analog scale scores or Neck Disability Index values.

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