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Minimally Invasive Posterior Cervical Fusion: A Handsome Option.
Cervical spondylosis is the leading cause of cervical myelopathy. When surgery is indicated, it is commonly addressed through an anterior or posterior cervical approach, such as cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) or laminectomy and fusion (LMF). Besides their own merits, each one has specific approach- or device-related complications, such as dysphagia, significant postoperative pain, wound infection, adjacent segment degeneration (ASD), and pseudoarthrosis. Through a tissue-sparing minimally invasive technique, posterior cervical fusion (PCF) has shown unfolding compelling evidence of biomechanical stability, good clinical outcomes, and high fusion rates, with fewer complications and better econometrics. On the basis of our own experience, we discuss here the indications, advantages, and drawbacks of minimally invasive PCF.
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