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The Influence of Presence Types on Learning Engagement in a MOOC: The Role of Autonomous Motivation and Grit.

PURPOSE: We developed a research framework based on the community of inquiry theory to examine the relationship between three kinds of MOOC presence (teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence) and learning engagement. Further, we explored the mediating effect of autonomous motivation and the moderating role of grit in this relationship.

PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The online survey included a sample of N = 794 college students (46.473% male) between the ages of 18 and 20. The COI survey instrument, short grit scale, the Utrecht work engagement scale-student scale and academic self-regulation questionnaire were used to test hypotheses.

RESULTS: The study results showed that all three MOOC presences (teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence) had significant positive relationship with learning engagement. Autonomous motivation had a mediating role in them. Also, the positive relationship between social presence, cognitive presence, and autonomous motivation was stronger for students with a higher level of grit.

CONCLUSION: This study enriches the literature on whether and how the presence knowledge of MOOC courses affects college students' learning engagement, and the complexity of MOOC environments determines that grit plays an indispensable role in the learning process.

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