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Thymic innervation impairment in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.

Neuroimmunomodulation 2023 December 21
The thymus is the primary lymphoid organ responsible for normal T-cell development. Yet, in abnormal metabolic conditions as well as an acute infection, the organ exhibits morphological and cellular alterations. It is well established that the immune system is in a tidy connection and dependent on the central nervous system (CNS), which regulates thymic function by means of innervation and neurotransmitters. Sympathetic innervation leaves the CNS and spreads through thymic tissue, where nerve endings interact directly or indirectly with thymic cells contributing to their maintenance and development. Herein, we hypothesized that brain damage due to an inflammatory process might elicit alterations upon the thymic-CNS neuroimmune axis, altering not just the sympathetic innervation and neurotransmitter release, but also modifying the thymus microenvironment and T cell development. We used the well-established multiple sclerosis model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), to study putative changes in the thymic neural, lymphoid, and microenvironmental compartments. We showed that along with EAE clinical development, thymus morphology, and cellular compartments are affected, altering the peripheric T cell population and modifying the retrograde thymic communication towards the CNS. Altogether, our data suggest that the thymic-CNS neuroimmune bidirectional axis is compromised in EAE. This imbalance may contribute to an increased and uncontrolled auto-immune reaction.

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