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The interventions to improve medication adherence in coronary heart disease patient: A systematic review.

OBJECTIVE: The clinical outcome and quality of life of CHD patients are greatly influenced by medication adherence. Non-adherence of CHD patients to treatment results in sub-optimal clinical outcomes and increasing costs. This study aims to describe effectiveness of the intervention to improve the medication adherence in CHD patients.

METHODS: Systematic review methodology was used in this study. Scopus and PubMed were used to search the relevant article systematically. The outcome measured was medication adherence in coronary heart disease patients.

RESULTS: Final screening was 31 articles that met the inclusion criteria in this study of 788 articles. Selection processes the article used the PRISMA guideline. Most of the articles (15 articles) use interventions that utilize information technology (IT) as known with m-health in the form of text messages, website, and smartphone-based applications in increasing medication adherence in CHD patients. The non m-health interventions developed are in the form of self-efficacy programs, monitoring and education by health workers or care workers, pharmacy care by clinical pharmacists, and the use of drugs in the form of multi-capsules. The results of most intervention with m-health can improve the medication adherence in CHD patient effectively. Education and motivation program by professional health care and multi-capsules also increasing the medication adherence in the intervention control. There was a decrease of medication adherence in some articles with long time follow-up that can be attention for the professional health care to manage the patient adherent.

CONCLUSION: The medication adherence in CHD patient can be improve by various program. Modification of m-health and non m-health intervention can be resolved to increase the communication, motivation, and knowledge about medication adherence in CHD patients.

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