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Effect of sonic oscillation on penetration and marginal adaptationof filled resin-based fissure sealants.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of sonic oscillation on penetration depth and marginal adaptation of resin based fissure sealants.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty six extracted human third molars were randomized into three groups; in HF group, teeth were sealed with a filled resin-based sealant (Helioseal F). Sonic-HF group, teeth were sealed with (Helioseal F) and then subjected to sonic oscillation before using (Compothixo Device, 140 HZ vibration frequency and ±150 μm amplitude) curing. CO group, teeth were sealed with an unfilled resin-based sealant (Clinpro). All teeth were thermo-cycled for 1500 cycles at 5°C and 55°C, then sectioned bucco-lingually into 4 sections (mesial, 2 middle, and distal). Sections were evaluated under SEM for marginal adaptation and scored. For penetration depth, three independent measurements from each tooth were recorded under SEM and data were subjected to statistical analysis.

RESULTS: The group subjected to sonic oscillation (Sonic-HF) resulted in superior penetration depth and marginal adaptation among the three groups with significant difference than HF group but with no significant difference than CO group.

CONCLUSIONS: Sonic activation of resin base sealant increased penetration depth into fissures and marginal adaptation to the enamel wall without decreasing filler load or compromising sealant mechanical properties.

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