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Renal Denervation in the Treatment of Resistant Hypertension and Difficult-to-Control Hypertension - Consensus Document of the Croatian Hypertension League - Croatian Society of Hypertension, Croatian Cardiac Society, Croatian Endovascular Initiative, Croatian Society for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Croatian Renal Association, and Croatian Society of Family Physicians of the Croatian Medical Association.

Renal denervation (RDN) as a method of treating arterial hypertension (AH) was introduced in Croatia in 2012. A multidisciplinary team and a network of hospitals that diagnose and treat patients with severe forms of AH were established, and a very strict diagnostic-treatment algorithm was prepared. At monthly meetings patients with truly resistant hypertension who were candidates for RDN were discussed. According to the 2021 ESH position statement and 2023 ESH guidelines, RDN is considered an alternative and additional, not a competitive method of treating patients with various forms of AH which must be performed by following a structured procedure and the patient's preference should be considered. In view of the changes in the global scientific community, the Croatian Hypertension League brings this consensus document on RDN conducted with radiofrequency-based catheter, the only currently available method in Croatia. In this document, exclusion and inclusion criteria are shown, as well as three groups of patients in whom RDN could be considered. The new diagnostic-treatment algorithm is prepared and follow-up procedure is explained. In Croatia, RDN is reimbursed by the national insurance company, thus pharmacoeconomic analyses is also shown. Criteria required by an individual centre to be approved of RDN are listed, and plans for prospective research on RDN in Croatia, including the Croatian registry for RDN, are discussed.

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