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Treatment of Patellofemoral Instability and Chondral Lesions.
Lateral patellar instability is one of the most common knee disorders among adolescents. Numerous anthropometric features, including trochlear dysplasia, patella alta, high tibial tubercle-to-trochlear groove distance, and coronal and rotational plane malalignment, are considered primary risk factors for patellar dislocation, and the understanding of their complex interplay is continuously evolving. Because of the multifactorial nature of patellar instability, there is a lack of consensus regarding many aspects of surgical intervention. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction is considered to be the essential procedure in preventing recurrent instability. However, there is growing interest in addressing underlying anatomic risk factors that contribute to patellar instability. It is important to discuss the diagnosis and management of patellar instability, surgical considerations in medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, mitigation/correction of anatomic risk factors, and treatment of associated chondral lesions.
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