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C1-C2 Posterior Screw-Rod Fixation.

Multiple approaches for instrumentation of the upper cervical spine have evolved to treat atlantoaxial instability which, until the 20th century, was largely considered to be inoperable and managed nonsurgically with immobilization. Surgeons set out to provide safe and effective approaches in a clearly dangerous and technically complex anatomic region. It is important to provide a historical analysis of the evolution of techniques that have shaped C1-C2 instrumentation, and how the diligent efforts of surgeons to improve the biomechanical stability and fusion rates of their constructs eventually led to the prevailing Harms technique. This technique is explored by describing its surgical steps, alternative techniques, and associated outcomes. For successful instrumentation of the atlantoaxial joint, a comprehensive understanding of spinal biomechanics, surgical techniques, and anatomic variations is imperative for surgeons to develop a tailored plan for each patient's individual pathology and anatomy.

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