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Journal Article
Open and Arthroscopic Elbow Contracture Release: Tips and Pearls.
Elbow stiffness is a common consequence of trauma and can significantly limit the functionality of the affected arm. Intervention may be necessary for those with a motion arc less than 100°, but the decision to intervene should be based on individual patient needs. Restoration of joint motion in a stiff elbow can be challenging, time consuming, and costly. Nonsurgical treatment is the primary management option, and surgical intervention is considered for refractory stiffness. However, recurrent stiffness is a common issue following surgical elbow contracture release. An overview of relevant elbow anatomy, principles and technical pearls of arthroscopic and open contracture release, and postoperative rehabilitation methods to reduce the risk of recurrent stiffness is provided. It is important to tailor the treatment plan to each patient's unique needs and functional expectations.
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