Journal Article
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Clinical Evaluation and Management of Narcolepsy in Children and Adolescents.

While sleepiness is common among children, and particularly adolescents, profound sleepiness in the setting of apparently adequate sleep should prompt consideration of a central disorder of hypersomnolence. These disorders, which include narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia, Kleine-Levin syndrome, and others, are likely underrecognized in the pediatric population. Narcolepsy in particular should be of interest to child neurologists as the unique signs and symptoms of this disease often prompt evaluation in pediatric neurology clinics. While sleepiness may appear to be a straightforward complaint, its evaluation requires a nuanced approach. Cataplexy, a hallmark of narcolepsy, can be confused for other neurologic conditions, though understanding its various manifestations makes it readily identifiable. Clinicians should be aware of these symptoms, as delay in diagnosis and misdiagnosis are common in childhood narcolepsy. While treatment options have been limited in the past, many new therapeutic options have become available and can result in significant improvement in symptoms. Given the age at presentation, paroxysmal and chronic features, diagnostic modalities, and available treatment options, the field of child neurology is well equipped to see patients with narcolepsy. In this review, I will focus on the presentation, evaluation, and management of pediatric patients with narcolepsy.

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