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IgM-specific linear epitopes on the E2 protein for serodiagnosis of Chikungunya.

Virus Research 2023 November 30
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Dengue virus (DENV) are vector-borne diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus that pose a significant threat to global public health. Cases of acute Chikungunya fever often present similar clinical symptoms to other vector-borne diseases such as Dengue fever. In regions where multiple vector-borne diseases coexist, CHIKV is often overlooked or misdiagnosed as Dengue virus, West Nile virus, Zika virus or other viral infections, which delays its prevention and control. However, IgM antibodies directed against the E2 protein of CHIKV have not yet been generalized to clinical settings due to the low sensitivity and high cost in commercial kits. Indirect ELISA with peptides provides an effective supplementary tool for detecting CHIKV IgM antibody. Our study aims at examining the potential of linear epitopes on the E2 glycoprotein that specifically bind to IgM antibodies as serodiagnosis tool for CHIKV. The sensitivity of the established peptide indirect ELISA method for detecting clinical samples is significantly better than that of commercial kit, realizing a beneficial supplement to the existing IgM antibody assay. It also established the groundwork for comprehending the biological mechanisms of the CHIKV E2 protein and the advancement of innovative epitope peptide vaccines.

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