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Fostering patient engagement through the co-design of seizure detection and monitoring technologies: A roadmap for collaboration between research and development.

Revue Neurologique 2023 November 30
The large number of technological developments suggests that patients with epilepsy can be better supported in the management of their seizures, especially when their condition is drug resistant. Patients and their caregivers, who are generally supportive of seizure detection and monitoring technologies, can provide relevant information to improve their effectiveness. We propose a comprehensive co-design approach to support more efficient development of seizure detection and monitoring technologies. Such an approach should follow the steps of the research and development process, take into account the temporal requirements characteristic of seizure management, focus on the themes of autonomy and self-management, and be guided by disease experts. If co-design practices are to continue to contribute to their development, they must also meet the scientific requirements of validity and reproducibility.

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