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Optical characterization and through-focus performance of two advanced monofocal intraocular lenses.

PURPOSE: To compare the refractive power profile, subjective depth-of-field and objective optical quality of two advanced monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) designed to improve intermediate vision.

METHODS: This prospective study evaluated forty-six eyes of twenty-three patients, aged 54-68 years, binocularly implanted with two monofocal enhanced intraocular lenses (IOLs), the Tecnis Eyhance and the Physiol Isopure. Subjective through-focus visual acuity curves were obtained by placing trial lenses in front of the eye while wearing its best spherical-cylindrical correction for distance. Objective optical quality was defined as the area under the modulation transfer function, calculated from the wavefront maps measured with a high-resolution aberrometer. The optical design of both lenses was compared based on their refractive power profiles measured with the lenses immersed in saline solution.

RESULTS: Both lenses have progressive aspherical geometries, in which the sagittal power decreases rapidly from the center to the edge of the optical zone. Mean monocular through-focus curves show a best corrected distance visual acuity of - 0.02 logMAR with both lenses. Through-focus visual acuity was marginally higher for the Eyhance, with a difference of 1 letter at the defocus position of - 0.5D and 3 letters between - 1.0D and - 2.0D. Objective assessment of optical quality revealed only a difference of about 2 points in MTF area at distance.

CONCLUSION: Both IOLs use a similar approach to improve intermediate vision. The Eyhance showed marginally better subjective performance than the Isopure at the target vergences between - 1.00D and - 2.00D, although these results did not reach statistical significance and were not replicated by the objective findings.

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