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Mixed Reality Surgical Navigation System; Positional Accuracy Based on Food and Drug Administration Standard.

Surgical Innovation 2023 November 29
BACKGROUND: Computer assisted surgical navigation systems are designed to improve outcomes by providing clinicians with procedural guidance information. The use of new technologies, such as mixed reality, offers the potential for more intuitive, efficient, and accurate procedural guidance. The goal of this study is to assess the positional accuracy and consistency of a clinical mixed reality system that utilizes commercially available wireless head-mounted displays (HMDs), custom software, and localization instruments.

METHODS: Independent teams using the second-generation Microsoft HoloLens© hardware, Medivis SurgicalAR© software, and localization instruments, tested the accuracy of the combined system at different institutions, times, and locations. The ASTM F2554-18 consensus standard for computer-assisted surgical systems, as recognized by the U.S. FDA, was utilized to measure the performance. 288 tests were performed.

RESULTS: The system demonstrated consistent results, with an average accuracy performance that was better than one millimeter (.75 ± SD .37 mm).

CONCLUSION: Independently acquired positional tracking accuracies exceed conventional in-market surgical navigation tracking systems and FDA standards. Importantly, the performance was achieved at two different institutions, using an international testing standard, and with a system that included a commercially available off-the-shelf wireless head mounted display and software.

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