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Association of oral lichen planus and psoriasis: a case-control study.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate whether psoriasis disease constitutes a comorbity of OLP and to elucidate the effect of depression and anxiety treatment.

METHODS AND MATERIAL: We analyzed a cohort of consecutive patients diagnosed clinical and histologically of OLP from years 2014-2022. The results were contrasted with those obtained in control series matched for age and sex. The correlation between OLP and gender, age, tobacco, alcohol, psoriasis, treatment of depression and anxiety was assessed using Chi-square of Pearson test. Multivariate regression analysis was performed to evaluate the association between psoriasis and OLP. For the assessment of the quality of the statistical models, the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was used.

RESULTS: The study involved 1016 patients, being 738 women (72.6%), and 278 men (27.4%). The average age was 59.38 (±12.55) years. From 508 patients with OLP 16 (3.15%) had comorbid psoriasis and in the control group 5 (0.98%). Age, gender, smoking and alcoholic habits are not predictive variables in the relationship between association of psoriasis and OLP patients. According to the multivariate analysis, the odd ratio (OR) of OLP were for psoriasis (OR 3.13, 1.20-9.68), and when compared to univariate analysis was higher for depression drugs (OR 1.88, 1.13-3.19] and for treatment of anxiety (OR 2.06, 1.18-2.70].

CONCLUSIONS: As far as we are aware, this is the first study showing the potential risk of psoriasis in OLP patients and our results should be taken into account to improve knowledge of comorbidity of OLP.

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