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The experience of using home automation by individuals with disability.

Purpose : People with disability often require long-term support within the home. Advances in technology have made home automation more readily available to support people living with disability. However, few studies describe the perspectives of people using home automation. The aim of this study was to explore the experience of individuals living with long term serious disability using home automation. Materials and methods : A phenomenological approach was adopted. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted. Data were analysed using an inductive approach to identify themes. Results : Two overarching categories of themes were identified: 'benefits' and 'challenges'. Benefits captured the outcomes experienced by people living with disability using home automation and the impact upon their lives. Participants described several challenges with using home automation such as self-advocating to receive home automation, long waiting periods in the assessment and installation process, frustrations when home automation did not work, and the challenges experienced from being without home automation. Conclusion : This research identified the benefits and challenges of home automation experienced by people with long term serious disability. The findings can be used to understand the importance of home automation and the impact it has upon the lives of people living with disability.

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