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'The Social and Home Environment: Impacts of Determinants of Health on Atopic Dermatitis, Pathways Towards Solutions, and Unique Considerations for Rural and Remote North American Indigenous Populations'.

Disparities in environmental and social determinants of health (DOH) are associated with morbidity in atopic dermatitis (AD). The socioecological model (SEM) is a framework that can be applied to better understand how DOH impacts patients with AD. We include a case scenario of a remote Indigenous patient reflective of real-world situations of living with AD and examine relevant impact, gaps in knowledge, and further research needs. This review highlights a variety of social and environmental exposures as important DOH which must be addressed to achieve optimal management in AD. The "Rainbow model" is a modified framework to help illustrate how complex environmental and social forces impact both AD presentation and therapeutic success. However, practical applications and outcome metrics for health promotion are limited.1 An inter- and transdisciplinary approach is paramount to address the complex challenges associated with AD care, as well as multistakeholder approach integrating culturally-competent equitable health frameworks. This review underscores the importance of expanding the focus of AD management beyond basic science and clinical trials to recognize and address health disparities and to promote optimal health and well-being in patients with AD, and contributes a working approach to mapping the complex interventions and patient-oriented research needed using a focus on remote North American Indigenous patients affected by AD.

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