Journal Article
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The difficult neonatal airway.

Airway management is one of the most crucial aspects of neonatal care. The occurrence of a difficult airway is more common in neonates than in any other age group, and any neonatal intubation can develop into a difficult airway scenario. Understanding the intricacies of the difficult neonatal airway is paramount for healthcare professionals involved in the care of newborns. This chapter explores the multifaceted aspects of the difficult neonatal airway. We begin with a review of the definition and incidence of difficult airway in the neonate. Then, we explore factors contributing to a difficult neonatal airway. We next examine diagnostic considerations specific to the difficult neonatal airway, including prenatal imaging. Finally, we review management strategies. The importance of a multidisciplinary team approach and the role of communication and collaboration in achieving optimal outcomes are emphasized.

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