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Two episodes of bacteremia of zoonotic origin caused by different Streptococcus canis isolates in the same patient within a time span of 1 year.

Two episodes of bacteremia of cutaneous origin in a female patient were caused by two unrelated Streptococcus canis isolates within 1-year interval between the two infection episodes. The most likelihood transmission route in both episodes was a dog pet that habitually licked patient´s legs. Isolates were characterised by antimicrobial susceptibility test and whole genome sequencing. They belonged to sequence type (ST) 40 and 43, respectively. The ST40 isolate harboured antimicrobial resistance genes aadE, ermB and tetO, displaying resistance to erythromycin, clindamycin and tetracyclines, while ST43 isolate did not presented any known antimicrobial resistance determinant and was susceptible to all antibiotics tested. S. canis infections are rare in human; however, attention is needed for patients at risk with companion animals.

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