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Utility of the international society on thrombosis and hemostasis-bleeding assessment tool in the diagnosis of patients who suspected of platelet function disorders.

The ISTH-BAT is a structured bleeding assessment tool to record and help diagnose patients with possible bleeding disorders. However, a few studies evaluated the utility of ISTH-BAT in diagnosing patients with platelet function defects (PFDs). In this study, we evaluated the diagnostic utility of ISTH-BAT in predicting PFDs among patients suspected of PFDs. Forty patients suspected of PFDs and 21 normal healthy controls were evaluated by the ISTH-BAT scoring system, light transmission aggregometry (LTA), ATP-releasing assays (lumi-aggregometry), and expression of CD62P for diagnosis of PFDs. Among 40 patients suspected of PFDs, 10 were diagnosed as PFDs using lumiaggregometry and CD62P. The ISTH-BAT score in patients suspected of PFDs [(6, interquartile range (IQR) 1-8] and patients with PFDs was significantly higher than the control group (0; IQR 0-0) (P < 0.001). Receiver operating characteristic curves indicate that ISTH-BAT is not able to discriminate patients with PFDs from those without PFDs (areas under the curve of 0.620 (95% confidence interval 0.415-0.825). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the ISTH-BAT in predicting the presence of PFDs, respectively, were 40, 73.3, 33.3, and 78.6% in the cut-off ISTH-BAT at least 4 in adult men, at least 6 in adult women, and at least 3 in children (age < 18). The ISTH-BAT scoring system has good discriminatory power in diagnosing patients with PFDs from healthy controls but is ineffective in differentiating them from those without PFDs.

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