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Sleep and sleep disorders during pregnancy and postpartum: The Life-ON study.

Sleep Medicine 2023 November 11
OBJECTIVE: to prospectively assess sleep and sleep disorders during pregnancy and postpartum in a large cohort of women.

METHODS: multicenter prospective Life-ON study, recruiting consecutive pregnant women at a gestational age between 10 and 15 weeks, from the local gynecological departments. The study included home polysomnography performed between the 23rd and 25th week of pregnancy and sleep-related questionnaires at 9 points in time during pregnancy and 6 months postpartum.

RESULTS: 439 pregnant women (mean age 33.7 ± 4.2 yrs) were enrolled. Poor quality of sleep was reported by 34% of women in the first trimester of pregnancy, by 46% of women in the third trimester, and by as many as 71% of women in the first month after delivery. A similar trend was seen for insomnia. Excessive daytime sleepiness peaked in the first trimester (30% of women), and decreased in the third trimester, to 22% of women. Prevalence of restless legs syndrome was 25%, with a peak in the third trimester of pregnancy. Polysomnographic data, available for 353 women, revealed that 24% of women slept less than 6 h, and 30.6% of women had a sleep efficiency below 80%. Sleep-disordered breathing (RDI≥5) had a prevalence of 4.2% and correlated positively with BMI.

CONCLUSIONS: The Life-ON study provides the largest polysomnographic dataset coupled with longitudinal subjective assessments of sleep quality in pregnant women to date. Sleep disorders are highly frequent and distributed differently during pregnancy and postpartum. Routine assessment of sleep disturbances in the perinatal period is necessary to improve early detection and clinical management.

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