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Quality of life after lung cancer surgery: sublobar resection versus lobectomy.
BMC Surgery 2023 November 18
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to compare the postoperative quality of life (PQOL) between non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic sublobar resection (subsegment, segment, or wedge) and lobectomy. Meanwhile, we developed a PQOL scale for patients with NSCLC after optimization.
METHODS: Developing and evaluating the postoperative quality-of-life scale of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC-PQOL) followed by the international principles for developing quality-of-life scale. Therefore, we used the NSCLC-PQOL scale to evaluate the PQOL of patients who underwent different surgeries.
RESULTS: The overall PQOL of patients who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy and sublobar resection gradually worsened from discharge to 3 months postoperatively and progressively improved from three to 6 months postoperatively. And the sublobar resection group showed better PQOL in chest tightness, breath shortness, breathlessness, cough and expectoration than the lobectomy group, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The final version of the NSCLC-PQOL contained three dimensions: "signs-symptoms", "psychological and psychiatric", and "social-life" dimensions.
CONCLUSIONS: The sublobar resection group showed better PQOL in "chest tightness", "breath shortness", "breathlessness", "cough", and "expectoration" than the lobectomy group. Twenty-two items formed a well-behaved PQOL scale after being validated satisfactorily. The scale was a suitable rating tool for evaluating the NSCLC-PQOL of patients.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: As this study was a retrospective study and not a clinical trial, we did not register this study in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry.
METHODS: Developing and evaluating the postoperative quality-of-life scale of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC-PQOL) followed by the international principles for developing quality-of-life scale. Therefore, we used the NSCLC-PQOL scale to evaluate the PQOL of patients who underwent different surgeries.
RESULTS: The overall PQOL of patients who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy and sublobar resection gradually worsened from discharge to 3 months postoperatively and progressively improved from three to 6 months postoperatively. And the sublobar resection group showed better PQOL in chest tightness, breath shortness, breathlessness, cough and expectoration than the lobectomy group, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The final version of the NSCLC-PQOL contained three dimensions: "signs-symptoms", "psychological and psychiatric", and "social-life" dimensions.
CONCLUSIONS: The sublobar resection group showed better PQOL in "chest tightness", "breath shortness", "breathlessness", "cough", and "expectoration" than the lobectomy group. Twenty-two items formed a well-behaved PQOL scale after being validated satisfactorily. The scale was a suitable rating tool for evaluating the NSCLC-PQOL of patients.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: As this study was a retrospective study and not a clinical trial, we did not register this study in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry.
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