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The Promise of Cancer Health Justice: How Stakeholders and the Community Can Build a Sustained and Equitable System of Cancer Care Through the Lens of Colorectal Cancer Interventions.
Cancer Journal 2023 November
Disparities in outcomes and persistent barriers to adequate care in colorectal cancer are reflective of a system that has failed to achieve the ideals of health equity and health justice. In this review, we discuss that although much research has been done to improve upon gaps in screening, treatment, and supportive care in colorectal cancer, a concerted effort across multiple research, regulatory, and funding stakeholders with community-level organizations is essential in building a self-sustained system that effectively achieves health equity outcomes. We also highlight several examples of novel community-based interventions along the continuum of cancer care that demonstrate the potential of what can be accomplished when we invest in scaling up small-scale solutions to the state and national levels and offer ways in which stakeholders and the community may mutually benefit through a system of incentives, self-assessment tools, and attainable metrics.
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